Animated lamp logo by Bob Bennett and Declan Smith
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A LOOK AT SOME OF THE PRODUCTIONS completed since 2000

When This Man Dies
Edmund Briggs is a man down on his luck. Jobless with no prospects he has just lost his last few pounds on a horse race.

Inspired by Alfred Hitchcock this tense little drama is one of the first videos to be shot in widescreen (16:9).


SET IN BRISTOL in 1787, Clarkson is an historical drama based on actual events and characters. It features Thomas Clarkson, an unsung hero in the campaign to abolish slave trading, and recounts his time in Bristol.

Made in 2006

Bristol 2004 - a place odyssey

The University of Bristol Botanic Garden at Bracken Hill

In 2003 Curator, Nicholas Wray asked us to make a video recording of his guided tour of the garden.

25 visits in 18 months saw the project completed.


Festival of Remembrance

Video recording of an original new play by Bristol drama group,
St Paul's Players.

Documentary about the meetings and rehearsals that led up to the presentation of the play to the public in November 2002



The New Room

.. in the Broadmead area of the City of Bristol, is the worlds' oldest Methodist chapel.

The video was made IN 2003 for the trustees and will be used to increase awareness of this internationally important building which was founded by John Wesley in the mid 18th century.


Copies of the video are available.


Vernon’s Permutation

Did you know Shakespeare was a woman?

An ageing Shakespearian actor is forced to reconsider his Destiny, the Meaning of Life and Everything.

Conceived to mark the millennium, this project shows the way the city of Bristol has changed, and is changing, by using extracts of films from the club's archive linked by new footage especially shot to show and contrast the locations and styles of these films.


Mr.Davidson's Autumn

Mr Davidson's nostalgic final return to an out of season seaside resort.


Made in 2001


Anne Teaks reports from
behind the scenes of the

Antiques Sideshow

Made in 2001 this video was a joint effort performed and written by the cast and production team.


Encounters with John Wesley

A dramatised illustration of events from the life of the legendary 18th century Methodist preacher, John Wesley.

Made in 2008 our film illustrates various scenes from Wesley’s life and his travels round the country where he met followers and opponents and preached to groups in the open air - a practice which was both favoured and frowned upon, depending on the point of view of the local populous.




Made in 2008



A video to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of our society. Members recorded 27 events of interest throughout our anniversary year..

In 2004 we were asked to make a video of The Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance in the Colston Hall, Bristol.


The Man Who Wasn’t There

A woman is interviewed by the police about the disappearance of her husband.

Made in 2011 and directed by Malcolm Stephens this is a short film shot locally - Clifton Suspension Bridge, Cabot Tower, Millennium Square and the Black Bridge.

The Wigan Girls

A video recording of a musical play, which Arts and Community in Thornbury (ACT) put on as a Community Production over 4 nights during July 2009. Around 500 people of all ages were involved in the production in Thornbury Leisure Centre.


Living with Brain Injury

There are two films - one is intended to make people understand the financial needs of the charity and how it can help those who receive services and the other is intended to introduce new potential users to the charity who might otherwise feel uncomfortable about walking through the door. The films were very well received and the audience felt that they captured the feel of the charity and the issues surrounding head injury very well.

Some of the additional interview footage is also being made available to the charity as case study material as the interviews brought out a number of additional points which could be helpful to those suffering from brain injuries and their families and carers.

More information about Headway can be found on

We have been working with Headway (Bristol), the brain injury charity, to produce a couple of promotional DVDs to assist them with their fund raising activities and to give an insight to potential new service users of the work carried out there.

The videos have now been completed and were shown at their AGM and viewed by members of the charity and guests including various dignitaries from around the area.

One of the TOP TEN at the 2006 Melbourne International Amateur Movie Festival.

All productions are copyright © 1997-2018 by Bristol Film and Video Society.

Into the Light

Written by David Price, and offered as a simple short text with minimal instructions on staging and performance; this was the first in a series of short experimental pieces designed to give club members an opportunity to get involved

Framegrab of Declan Smith's version of "Into the Light"

as part of a team in making film regardless of type and level of skill.

Four members took up the challenge and each of their interpretations was shown to the audience of a packed clubroom in April 2013

A compilation DVD is available HERE

Lots of photographs by Bob Bennett and Peter Heaven HERE


Framegrab from "Nightmare"

This was the second in our series of experimental pieces and involved a great many newer members as part of the crew.

Written by writer/director Graham Egarr, this drama with

a twist was essentially shot near Bath on one long day in the autumn of 2012 and, together with “Into the Light”, had it’s first showing in April 2013.

Read the script HERE as a PDF file.

Read new member Sue Mansi’s article “My Adventures in Film: Working on the Nightmare shoot”  HERE

The sole survivor of an ambush on a patrol in Kabul seeks refuge in a private house.

Written by David Price and first shown in April 2014 this was one of the experimental pieces that became a more ambitious project.

Kabul Sunset

Three friends go to their local pub for a few jars.

Written by Patrick de Landre-Grogan this little comedy had its first showing in April 2014


An instructional film about dating.

Written and directed by Roslyn Shennan, this film had its first showing in April 2014.

Ed and Sue go on a Date


A contemporary story of the dangers of getting into debt and who you are in debt to.

Mr Wellby’s Cross


Lost and Found

Two girls visit a new city to

meet a friend.

Martin Drake directed Laureen Levy's script interpretation of the 2013 Annual Challenge.

First shown in November 2013.

Awarded 3 stars in the 2014 BIAFF Competition.

Lots of  photographs taken by Andrzej Wawrowski  HERE

A woman’s personal recollection of a friendship at school.

Written and directed by David Price, this film had its first showing in April 2014.


Surprise Appointment


House Clearance

Two sisters and the husband of one of them gather to clear out the house of the sister’s deceased mother.

Written and directed by Sue Mansi, this film had its first showing in April 2014.

View a 4 minute YouTube video called, “Making of Nightmare’ HERE


Watch a video about the creation of the films visual effects HERE


Requiem for Caffeine

An addiction recovery group of middle-aged ladies discuss their issues in their weekly meeting.

Written by Helen Sharpe and directed by Ros Shennan this film had its first showing in April 2015.


Docks and Docs

Our club summer outing to Bristol City Docks in August 2014 inspired members to have a go at making short documentary films.

The films covered everything from history to proposals for the future via artistic, musical and poetic approaches


Club footage from 1956 is combined with 2015 scenes to compare, contrast and celebrate Bristol's proud heritage.

Bristol Revisited


First shown in April 2016

Hannah is getting ready for a romantic evening out with Mark; Mark is driving home from work. But will the evening pan out as they both hope?

Don’t Call Me Baby


First shown in April 2016

An elderly lady in the early stages of Alzheimer’s is both coping and not coping with everyday life..

Thicker then Water


First shown in April 2016

180 minute Challenge

Made during our annual 180 Minute Challenge where we shoot short films, edit and project them - all in one evening!

Here are three we made in 2013...

All are under three minutes duration.

Why is America called America?

An investigation into the naming of a Continent.

First shown in March 2018


Count to Three

Two men in a suicide pact confront each other.


First shown in March 2018

Written by Merlin Goldman.

Twinkle Twinkle

Here are two films from our annual Mini-Epics challenge where we make a film on a given topic.

In 2018 it was the reinterpretation of the 1978 Kennel Films production, “Pursuit”.

A bitter chase for a valuable package.


A short sequence was shot in the club room in one evening.

Five editors were then invited to create their own film from the same raw footage.

Watch each of them HERE

Filton Fives

Five rugby players are in hospital and faced with a huge dilemma.

First shown in October 2018 this is our entry in the IMPACT50 competition.

In Pursuit

of Flowers

Suspicion, crime, love and a chase

First shown in March 2018

First shown in March 2018

180 minute Challenge

Made during our annual 180 Minute Challenge where we shoot short films, edit and project them - all in one evening!

Here are four we made in 2018...

All are under 3 minutes duration.


Ladies that Steal


Brothers : Directors Cut

First shown in October 2018

Bristol Downs

A history of the Downs of Bristol - A whimsical Wander Through time and space...

A silent film that gives a guide to the New Room.

The New Room is the oldest Methodist building in the world.

Two minutes long, the film was made for showing via the Gromit Unleashed 2 Trail.

The New Room Museum

The New Room

A silent film that gives a guide for visitors to the New Room.

The New Room is the oldest Methodist building in the world.

Five minutes long, the film runs in a continuous loop.

more information

First shown in October 2018

First shown in October 2018

Convent Close

A short ghost story about the haunting of a new house.

Read a synopsis of the film HERE.


Motorbike film

Two films for the Formula Prostocks motorcycle racing club.

One a short promo for their web site, and the other a longer more informative film to show at their races.

First shown in October 2018

Genealogy Club

When Tom's last family member dies, he visits the Genealogy Club to find out more about his ancestors but the key holder won't let him leave.


First shown in 2018

Written by Vincent Leppert