JOHN WESLEY first came to Bristol in 1739 and preached open air sermons to crowds in the city's suburbs, 'proclaiming the glad tidings of salvation from the highways'. On May 12th Wesley laid the foundation stone of 'our New Room in the Horsefair'; John Wesley's Chapel is possibly the most important historic Methodist site in the world and a focus for 70 million Methodists worldwide.

In 1748 the building was enlarged and it remains today much as it was then. Let John Wesley show you round this unique building, explaining its purpose and recounting the story of how Methodism began. You will see

  • the two-decker pulpit from which he preached,
  • a table where he administered communion,
  • upstairs, the rooms where John Wesley and visiting preachers stayed,
  • a window through which he could watch his preachers in the pulpit,
  • his bed and the sloping window ledge that served as his writing desk.

This VHS video has a duration of 30 minutes and was produced by Bristol Film & Video Society.
Mark Topping plays John Wesley and Philip L Carter performs Samuel Wesley's Air on the organ.
© 2003 The New Room and BFVS.
Copies are available from:
The New Room, 36 The Horsefair, Bristol BS1 3JE Tel: 0117 926 4740