Kabul Sunset


Directors Graham Egarr and Tim Smart worked closely together to achieve a realistic confrontation between a British soldier and an Afghan boy as the sun goes down over the city of Kabul. A combination of lighting, specially prepared dust and a smoke machine helped to give an authentic hot and dusty look to the action.

Extensive work with green screen CGI elements of burning land rovers, dusty streets and city rooftops was achieved by Declan Smith in post production.

David Price wrote the script and the film had its first showing in April 2014.


Jay Khanna - Ahmed

James Renwick - Soldier Lee


Script writer - David Price

Directors - Graham Egarr and Tim Smart

Assistant Director - Roslyn Shennan

Cameras - Steve Andrews, David Price, Dane Rayment, Declan Smith and Santo Verannki.

Sound - Dave Mitchell, Gareth Macleavy and Jane Andrews.

Lighting - Bob Bennett and Peter Heaven.

Set design - Ray Hendy

Visual Effects - Declan Smith

Continuity - Sue Mansi

Production Assistants - Sue and John Cockwell

and Patrick de Landre-Grogan

Watch a video about the creation of the

films visual effects HERE