Mark Topping plays John Wesley Encounters with
John Wesley

It is good to watch a BFVS production and not be aware of sub standard performances from some of the cast. All the principals in this piece were convincing and gave just the right amount of reality to their characters. I particularly liked the scene with the Bishop of Bristol played by Frank Topping. I also appreciated the productions relatively short running time which avoided dragging out the story it was telling.

The script by Mark Topping (who also plays the part of Wesley) told the story at a pace suited to its subject matter and brought Wesley to life, portraying events as he toured the country on horse back preaching in the open air.

On the technical side this was the first widescreen high definition production the club has made and it was used to good effect without flashy compositions on the screen. It was good to see assured camera work without any unnecessary moves as the shots progressed. Both lighting and sound were first class with plenty of moody candle light shots to create the look of the period. The pace of the editing was in keeping with the story, although I did feel that the New Room sequence did seem to pack a lot of shots in for its length.

I watched this production for the first time without any particular interest in the subject matter, but found it held my interest until the closing credits. I am sure that it will play well with its target audience.

Bob Bennett,
May 2008

Frank Topping plays the Bishop of Bristol
Wesley writes by candlelight
The New Room